bristol pest control reviews

Trusted Pest Control In Bristol

WaspKill UK is quickly becoming the best loved pest control provider in Bristol, because we are able to solve problems where other pest controllers failed. As your local WHICH? Trusted Trader, check out our great customer reviews. NPTA & BASIS registered, protecting garden wildlife.

bed bug bites

Featured: Bristol's Bed Bug Bites

Bed bugs feed on your blood while you sleep, so they are the bug of nightmares. Bed bugs are much larger than people realise and go on to cause bites that can scar and last a lifetime! Don't hope they will just go because they won't. Take a look at some recent bedbug bites we photographed.


Where Do Wasps Go In Winter?

A huge question we are often asked is "Do Wasps Hibernate?". Although unpopular, wasps are a vital component in the ecosystem and a valuable insect predator at the start of the year. Check out this article where we delve into the secret world of the paper wasp in winter!